This didgeridoo is temporary under construction!
A didgeridoo that liked to be played fast and sharp with it’s strong backpressure. The large and long bell bring back the first trumpetnote, and all these notes are to be played easy and clear. The design of the body makes this didgeridoo going really futuristic.
Contact me for more info or transport costs. I do pay half of the transportcosts for packages up to 240 cm in Europe. For other country’s I have special deals too! This didgeridoo comes with a vintage handmade didgeridoobag.

Price: € 1000
- Productcode: TF2012148
- Key: E
- Airdrum note: G
- Mouthpiece inner: 30 mm
- Mouthpiece outer: 38 mm
- Bell outer: 13 cm
- Wood: Maple wood
- Finish: epoxy inner / epoxy and polyurethane outer