Beautiful instrument! Deep backpressure, so techniques can be pushed en forced up. The sound is open and rich and parallel to it and parallel to this you can hear the compression as the didge has a 2/3 narrow termite hollowed boring. In my workshop I found a large piece of Eucalyptus bell from another didgeridoo, that I have smoothly crafted in shape with this one. It is rarely seen that didgeridoo become extended like this, but the result is beautiful in sound and shape. I use the highest professional joint glue, and that makes it a very solid instrument.
Another well finished hand crafted didgeridoo!

Price: € 1200
- Productcode: TF2012176
- Key: C# / E / A#
- Airdrum note: -
- Length: 176 cm
- Mouthpiece inner: 30
- Mouthpiece outer: 40
- Bell outer: 12 cm
- Wood: Stringybark Eucalyptus
- Finish: Epoxy inner and outer/ outer polyurethaan