Termite hollowed Eucalyptus didgeridoo imported from Australia. This didge had some refining from Zelday. Inlaid with green Malachite stone, the mouthpiece is made from Miliput epoxy, so it will last for a lifetime. The shape of the instrument is little conical and light weighted, this enables the player to move around at ease. Warm sound of the drone, easy to play.

Price: € 480.00
- Productcode: TF2012180
- Key: C# / F
- Airdrum note: -
- Length: 146
- Mouthpiece inner: 30 mm
- Mouthpiece outer: 45 mm
- Bell outer: 8,5 cm
- Wood: Eucalyptus
- Finish: Epoxy inner and outer/ outer polyurethaan